While there is no season to do good and demonstrate our generosity, the holidays remind us to be charitable. To me, being charitable means giving, while removing the judgment that we could attach to the needs of others.
A study from UBC and Harvard shows that people are happier when they spend money on others rather than themselves, regardless of their income. During the holidays, this usually means gifts to your friends and families. But what about giving to those you don’t know?
Make a donation to a charity, donate toys or supplies to a local shelter, or spend time to a homeless person. Another great way to get involved in your community this season is to volunteer. From shelters and food banks to schools, the possibilities are endless!
The Assiff Law team contributed to the Edmonton Food Bank drive this month. As a team, we donated over 145 lbs worth of food and also presented a cheque to the food bank!
When we are charitable, we make the world a better place. I am grateful that every morning, I come to work at a job that changes the lives of so many people for the better.
Wishing you and your family a merry and charitable holiday season.