Edmonton Food Bank

Donation:  Assiff Law has done it again! 

Assiff Law has once again made a substantial donation to Give 30 to support the work of Edmonton’s Food Bank.  Today, at his downtown firm, Norm Assiff presented a cheque in the amount of $10,030 to Tamisan Bencz-Knight, Manager of Strategic Relationships & Partnerships at Edmonton’s Food Bank. “At this time of year, the resources raised during the Festive campaign are all but depleted.

For Immediate release:

EDMONTON, AB – Local law firm, Assiff Law has once again made a substantial donation to Give 30 to support the work of Edmonton’s Food Bank.  Today, at his downtown firm, Norm Assiff presented a cheque in the amount of $10,030 to Tamisan Bencz-Knight, Manager of Strategic Relationships & Partnerships at Edmonton’s Food Bank. “At this time of year, the resources raised during the Festive campaign are all but depleted.   This is the second year that Edmonton’s Food Bank has been part of the national Give 30 campaign.  And, this is the second year that Norm Assiff has made a donation of this size,“ says Bencz-Knight.  “We are deeply grateful for his amazing support of our work through Give 30.”

Mr. Assiff’s support isn’t limited to writing a cheque.  In August, the firm will close for a half day and the entire staff will come to Edmonton’s Food Bank warehouse where they will roll up their sleeves and help get hampers ready for clients.

Give 30 is a national campaign designed to motivate people fasting in Ramadan to support their local food bank by donating a portion of the money they save by skipping meals.  People who aren’t fasting can also take part, says Give 30 founder Ziyaad Mia, noting that donations have come from people of all faiths and backgrounds.  “Brown bag your lunch for the month or tally up 30 days of coffee money.  Whatever it is, it can make a difference in the lives of those who don’t have enough to eat.  This is a grassroots movement that’s catching on much faster than ever imagined,” says Mia.  The Toronto lawyer and social activist attributes the significant growth of the campaign to the simplicity of the idea and the power of social media.

After learning of the campaign through a tweet, Edmonton’s Food Bank jumped on board.   “While we receive tremendous ongoing support from the local Muslim community, those 140 characters led to new relationships and friendships. At this time of year, our supplies are running low.  Give 30 reminds everyone that hunger is a year round problem. Over the next 30 days, we are encouraging all Edmontonians to support this campaign to help restock our shelves,” said Tamisan Bencz-Knight.



Tamisan Bencz-Knight Norm Assiff Ziyaad Mia
Edmonton’s Food Bank Assiff Law Give 30
P:  780.425.2133 P:  587.524.3000 C:  416.303.9535 (call or text)
C:  780.918.6984

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