Included in Best Lawyers 2022

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Through the relentless effort and commitment of our legal team and support staff, Assiff Law was recognized by Best Lawyers 2022.

Bill 41- Insurance Amendment Act, 2020

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“Bill 41” was passed by the Alberta Government and made significant amendments to legislation that will affect personal injury matters. The Government plans to make additional changes to the insurance scheme in the future which will strip Albertans of their right to sue.

Mary, our Legal Assistant, is donating her kidney!

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Mary has been working as a Legal Assistant with Assiff Law since 2019. Outside of work, she loves to spend time with her family, play competitive soccer, bake, travel to new places, and help others. Indeed, she made the selfless decision to save a life by donating one of their kidneys. Here’s her story, in her own words.

Fundraising in COVID times: turning challenges into opportunities

Lila and Norm Assiff donate to Make a Wish Edmonton

Here at Assiff Law, we’re proud to pass on our values to the younger generation. Lila, Norm’s seventeen-year-old daughter, recently organized a mask fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We interviewed her to learn more about her history with volunteering, her thoughts on the current pandemic, and what she wishes people would learn from it.