ms bike 1

Go the distance against multiple sclerosis

We’re happy to announce that Dan and his team of “Hill’s Angels” are back again for the MS Bike Tour this year. Social distancing oblige, their 12th year riding will be quite different, as the event, scheduled for July 25, will be entirely virtual.

Some of you may remember our friend Dan Hill, who participates each year in the MS Bike ride.

Dan Hill

We’re happy to announce that Dan and his team of “Hill’s Angels” are back again for the MS Bike Tour this year. Social distancing oblige, their 12th year riding will be quite different, as the event, scheduled for July 25, will be entirely virtual. 

About MS Bike

Did you know that Canada has the highest rate of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the world? Every day, three more Canadians are diagnosed with MS, an unpredictable illness that affects vision, balance, memory and mobility. We don’t know what causes MS and as of yet, there is no cure. Alberta researchers are making significant progress in the treatment and potential cures for MS.

The MS Bike Tour has been a critical part of the MS Society’s fundraising. Each year since 1989, more than 2000 cyclists of all ages and levels join together to raise proceeds. Research is funded with 3 goals: to find a cause and cure, to repair nervous system damage caused by MS, and to stop MS attacks. 

How to sponsor Dan

Assiff Law will be sponsoring Dan’s team with $1,500, and I would like to encourage others to do the same.

Proceeds from this event provide support and services to help those living with multiple sclerosis, their family and caregivers. Every cyclist, every volunteer and every dollar raised gives hope for those living with MS. It is a way we can fight against something that leaves people feeling so helpless. Your donation to Dan’s fundraising efforts means Canadian families who are affected by this disease do not have to face MS alone. 

$100 = 5 people can attend support for newly diagnosed individuals

$250 = 2 families can attend an MS weekend retreat for education and support

$500 = 10 people can take a yoga class adapted for people with MS

$1000 = 3 people can receive funding for an assistive device

Every dollar adds up. Follow this link to sponsor Dan

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